Our Governance

We are an autonomous church, voluntarily associated regionally with 100 churches of the Pacific region (BC & Yukon) of The Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada. By "autonomous" we mean that there is no governing authority outside of the local church. 

We are Congregationally governed and led by a Council of Elders (pastors) which in turn is led by the Lead or Senior Pastor under the lordship of the Great Shepherd, Jesus Christ who is the head of the church.

Our Elders/Pastors

1. David Margine

2. Mihai Ciopasiu

3. Rob Krochenski

4. Aurel Mateescu

David Margine

David earned  a degree in Pastoral Theology from Emanuel Bible Institute in Oradea, Romania. Subsequently he served  as an elder and an Awana leader in local churches before coming to SBC where he has now served faithfully as an elder/pastor since 2014. David's key interests in serving his church lies in music plus children's and youth ministries. David's wife, Isabela and two teenage sons compliment his enthusiasm for the Lord's work wherever he serves and we are more than pleased to have them.

Mihai Ciopasiu

Our brother Mihai is passionately dedicated to our Lord Jesus and remains jealous of the gospel. That passion is routinely exhibited in his preaching and determination to live with integrity and honour before his Saviour.

We are fortunate to enjoy his fellowship in ministry

Rob Krochenski

Rob and his lovely wife Mary Jane planted their lives at SBC in 2008, finding as they did so, a church home that exemplified biblical preaching and teaching and a congregation of serious intent towards their Lord's church.  Rob was called to eldership in about 2010. He has now (2021) served in leadership for a total of 35 years including his former two churches. While he has served in many different ministries over time, the greatest theme that shapes his approach to church is the Lord's command for his disciples to love one another as it is, "By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another."  John 13:35 (ESV)

Aurel Mateescu

Aurel's bio is too long for this short format but includes a B Sc (chemistry), a B Ed, and a Bachelor of Pastoral Theology all from the U of Bucharest, plus a M Th accredited by the U of Wales, UK. He has served at every level of church life from cutting the lawn to shepherding  2 baptist churches (Romania & Burnaby) over 9 years. Subsequently Aurel also operated his own floor laying company until an accident prevented him from continuing in the trades. He has served on our own Council of Elders since 2014 and assumed the position of lead elder/pastor as of November 2021. Aurel's dear wife Nicole, also a B Sc (chemistry) and a teacher, along with their 2 sons are a welcome, loved, and valued part of our body.

     Legacy Builders of Godliness & Faithfulness

           We honour those who preceded us in faithfully shepherding those whom the Father has given the Son (John 17:6-19).

Lorne Potter

Our much loved brother Lorne has resigned his position of Senior Pastor in early 2021 for health reasons. He and his wife Betty have moved to Alberta where they continue to seek God's direction and purpose in their lives. 

Pastor Lorne's legacy to the church certainly includes the foundation of the Council of Elders which ironically has become a great blessing in allowing us to source his replacement from within. What we owe our dear brother and sister is incalculable and we miss them dearly.

Graham Hunt

Elder Emeritus

Our dear brother Graham entered the presence of the Lord on June14 2020. His legacy to his beloved church was his lifelong devotion to his Savior witnessed to in his godly prayer life and passion for teaching. Graham was particularly passionate about teaching the Revelation.

He is missed much by those who knew him.... but only until He comes!